This little girl is obsessed with putting socks and shoes on her feet. All day she constantly brings me a pair of socks or a shoe for me to put it on for her. Most of the time she is wearing just one shoe around the house and 90% of the time it either Eleanor's, John's or mine.
The other day she spent a good 30 minutes trying to put these socks on her feet. At first she just placed them on top of her feet and then got so upset when she stood up and they fell off. After working with her for a few minutes she was able to put the socks on.
Valentines Day this year was a lot of fun. For breakfast I made the girls heart shaped pancakes and Eleanor thought it was so fancy! They each got a little gift bag with goodies in it. Eleanor got a new valentines t-shirt that John picked out for her, a new Hello Kitty charm for her bracelet and some of her favorite candy. Amelia got a new pair of pajamas and socks but her favorite was the sugar cookie. She never actually ate any of it, but played with the cookie in the wrapper all day. It was pretty nasty looking by the end of the day!
Instead of just John and I going out to dinner we decided to stay home and have a nice dinner with the girls. I made a Spanish seafood paella for the first time and it was delicious! We also had green olives, bread, chorizo and machego cheese. It was fun having Eleanor help me set and decorate the table. She made sure everything was just right!
When John got home he surprised the girls with more treats and a bouquet of balloons. They were very excited. I got spoiled with gorgeous flowers. Overall it was a great Valentines day and I loved spending it with the people I LOVE!!
Eleanor was thrilled to handout her valentines at school this year. She enjoyed getting all sorts of cute valentines from her classmates. She told me she wishes valentines day was everyday and then she would like preschool.
I guess the girls weren't enjoying Curb Your Enthusiasm as much as John and I were. It's very rare to have both girls asleep at the same time before 9:30 pm and when it does happen, I savor every second!