Saturday, November 17, 2007

i never thought it would happen...

wow, i think my little red car is dead, gone, done in!! earlier this week john was driving it and said it was really loud, couldn't go past 40 mph and that something was definitely wrong with it. this morning on the way to the mechanic, it died. its a good thing john made sure i had my cell phone with me just in case this were to happen. when i pulled up to john he pronounced the car dead. he had already started cleaning out the car. i was laughing so hard when i took this photo. don't get me wrong, i was a tad bit sad to see my little old car dead. i've had that car for nearly 10 years. we are still waiting to get a call back from the mechanic to see what the final word is. who knows, maybe we'll be doing a little car shopping down in az!!!!


Amy D. Hall Riter said...

Oh, poor Impy! We need to have a memorial service for good ol' Impy. We had some great times in that old car!!!

Nicole said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Crystal said...

I am truly sorry...I know that car was like an apendage to you;) But secretly I know your prob excited to go car shopping....Right? I saw John working on it on Sat and I knew this blog was coming!!!

Steph & James said...

Bummer about the car, i remember the fun times we had in it!! If it makes you feel any better by the time i pay off my jetta it's going to be a POS for me, and then i won't have any money to get a new car! LOL

Lyman Family said...

I remember when you got this car. I am so sorry for your loss.

mindy said...

So I'm really curious.. did you get to go car shopping?

Crystal said...

Hey are you back in town yet or what???