Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eleanor Turned Five

It's hard to believe that our first little baby girl is FIVE years old. I hate how fast it has gone by but I love being able to watch her grow and develop into such a fun little girl!

The night before her birthday I decorated her room in hopes that when she woke up in the morning she would be surprised. Well, the stinker has been coming into our room during the night and so she didn't see her surprise until she went downstairs to get dressed. None the less she still loved seeing her room decorated and made me keep it up for a week.

It seemed like Eleanor outgrew all her clothes in one day! So, for her birthday I decided to get her all new clothes. I had already told her that I wasn't going to get her any toys since she was having a friend party and I was pretty sure she'd get plenty of toys. Well, John being the softy he is sent me to the store the night before to pick out the Arial boat Eleanor had been talking about for weeks. She was very surprised to get a toy and I'm glad John thought about getting it for her. John always takes the day off of work for birthdays and so we were all able to go out to Kneaders for breakfast.
After breakfast Eleanor choose to head over to Trafalga. No one was there and we got the entire place to ourselves.

Weeks before her Eleanor started talking about going to Chuck E. Cheese for her birthday. We tried talking her out of it but she had her heart set on it! Since she was having a "girl" birthday party she decided she really wanted Evan to come with us. She also got to have Sara, Dick, Henry and Mimi come too. On the way over Eleanor kept talking about she's going to be getting a crown to wear. I tried telling her I didn't think they have crowns and don't be sad if she doesn't get one. Well, right when we walked in there was a display on one of the tables showing all the things you could get with the purchase of a birthday package. I felt like the worse parent ever when Eleanor took one look at the table and said, "See mom, I told you I get a crown". I thought you had to order the entire package to get the crown and I realized it was too late to get it. Well, luckily the I was able to buy just the crown and it made for one happy little girl. (I swear I HATE tv commercials!!)

I love the little relationship these two have.

Overall it ended up being a really fun night. I think Eleanor had the time of her life it was fun watching her enjoy it so much!

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