Eleanor is constenly helping me out with Amelia. I can ask her to run and make sure Amelia isn't crying or tell Eleanor to go talk to Amelia so she doesn't cry. The other day I was getting into the shower and asked Eleanor to lay on the bed and keep an eye on Amelia while she sleeps. When I got of the shower Eleanor yeld to me, "Mom, I'm going to get something in my room. Can you please keep an eye on Amelia and make sure Bear doesn't get her". After a few minutes she came back into my room, got on the bed and told me thanks for watching Amelia.
Eleanor is also great at taking Amelia's diapers to the garbage. All I have to do is tell Eleanor I have a special delivery for her and she comes and takes the diaper to the garbage. The other day she even changed the diaper with me. By the time I have my next baby it will be just like having a live in nanny!
This is Eleanor's favorite way to hold Amelia. I'm not too sure if Amelia feels the same way....

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