After dinner with the Martins we went home and John, Eleanor and Amelia all took a nap. I took our photobooth photos and finished our Christmas card. We then headed up to Farmington to have our second dinner with the Baldwins. The company and the food were great!
The past few weeks Eleanor has insisted on being called Savannah. She is quick to correct ANYONE who calls her Eleanor. It's starting to drive me nuts! Well Thanksgiving was no different. She made all the Baldwins call her Savannah. Then she got tricky on us and switched her name to Sleeping Beauty (Rachelle helped her dress up as Sleeping Beauty).
Before we sat down to eat, Eleanor went up stairs and changed into a dress-up. Before she would come down the stairs I had to make an announcement that Savannah was coming down the stairs. She was dead serious about it!

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