Monday, January 25, 2010

Amelia's Ear Piercing!

My good friend Hope pierced Amelia's ears today. I was so excited to get her ears pierced. The poor baby was so happy and smiley before it all started. She didn't know what was coming! Once Hope shot the little earning into her ear, Amelia started bawling! It was the saddest little cry. She cried for just a short time then was back to her cute smiling self.

I like she looks adorable with her new little pearls!! I'm not looking forward to all the sly remarks about babies with earnings.....


Steph & James said...

I was the same age when I had my ears pierced. My mom didn't tell my dad (it's a mexican tradition) - so she had to carry it on. I plan on doing the same with my girlies. She's adorable!

Michelle and Javier said...

No sly remarks! I'm totally peircing my babies ears if I ever get any! So cute!