I love this little girl! All I have to do is take one little peak at her and I'm grinning from ear to ear! She is at a really fun stage right now. Just the past few weeks she has started talking so much more. She now puts words together and will repeat ANYTHING you say (I've heard her say a few things I'm sure she picked up from John!). Speaking of John, every night when John gets home Amelia hears the garage door opens and runs right to the garage door. She then follows John into our bedroom and starts telling him all about her day. John says he can tell she is trying to tell him everything and talks a mile a minute! I think this little quality time is so cute and hope it continues throughout the years.
One of my favorite things about Amelia right now is her love for shoes especially flip flops or as she calls them bac bacs. I didn't believe it either at first, but the girl knows how to put her shoes on the right feet. Amy and Sara tried convincing me of while I was in the hospital with Jude but I thought it was always just a fluke. She constantly has a pair of shoes on her little feet and will get so upset if she can't find the pair of shoes she is looking.
Just a few days ago she started calling Eleanor "Ella Bella" and she yells it at the top of her lungs. This drives Eleanor crazy which I think makes it more enjoyable for Amelia.
She loves her baby dolls! Well, she loves Henry's baby doll. Sara got Henry a doll and Amelia has kidnapped it. She totally knows it's Henry's doll and refers to it as "Henry's baby". Every time we leave the house she has to take a baby with her. She kisses her babies all the time and has just started wanting them to wear different outfits ALL DAY long! Drives me a little crazy but I love the outfits she comes up with (like baby wipes).
Jude's biggest fan in Amelia. She LOVES her "buder". She loves laying down next (or on top) to him and giving him kisses. She also loves to point out every part of his body and thinks it's funny when he has a poopy diaper. When Jude was about 2 weeks old she was sitting next to me while I was changing his diaper and he peeded directly in her mouth!! She spit it out, started crying and said, "drink yucky mouth". It was hilarious and now she loves telling people about it!
When Amelia gets tired she says, "Hold you. Arm". This means she wants me us to hold her and she wants to rub our arm. Eleanor loved rubbing our chin and Amelia loves our arms. We always have to remind her not to pinch while she is rubbing.
Amelia loves music and loves to dance. When she wants music on she says "Gaga". She thinks all musicians are Lady Gaga.
I don't think I've seen a messier eater. Nearly every meal ends up in her hair, down her clothes, on the floor and on Miley. Today she stuffed her pockets full of pasta when she decided she was full.
You've never heard anyone say I" Love You" as cute as she does. She says, "Nuv you". It's perfect!
She is completely obsessed with motorcycles. She can spot one a mile away and yells "macacycle" every time she sees one. Mimi got her a little riding motorcycle for an early birthday present and she can ride that for hours!
Amelia loves being outside. I let her go out back by herself and she is totally in her element. She loves going down the slide and has no fear! She can play for hours at the rock patio. Our neighbors have a little kitten that jumps the fence and Amelia loves playing with it.
I love when I do her hair in two little ponies. She looks so adorable! She too likes having her hair done and will often bring me a comb and say "pretty".
She still loves her lotion. She doesn't eat it as much now, instead she loves putting it in her hair and I just discovered she's been covering Jude's head in lotion as well.
She still has her strong sweet tooth!!
Amelia is the little clown in our family. She loves getting people to laugh. If she knows you think something is funny she'll do it over and over again and will say "watch". I don't know how many times a day I hear, "Mama watch" and then she'll do something. Sometimes it's something cute or funny but most of the time it's something so simple or dumb. It cracks me up!
I know I could go on and on about other things I love about her but I have a crying baby and Amelia is begging for her milk.

*She is also very difficult to photograph. She thinks its funny to avoid the camera!!