Friday, October 28, 2011


This sweet little baby boy won't stop growing! I hate that he is past the newborn stage but I am loving that his little personality is starting to develop. I haven't been able to capture it yet but Jude has got the best smile. He smiles most when his two sisters are laying next to him, giving him kisses and/or playing with him. You'd think he'd be pretty annoyed with them in his face all day but surprisingly he really does like it. He's one loved little boy!

He didn't like the bath the first few times but now he's very relaxed and stays in there for a about 15 minutes. He's a little more difficult to bathe then the girls. His neck has multiple layers of wrinkles to clean as well as his thighs.

Jude is my first baby that loves to be swaddled. At night when he's getting fussy I start wrapping him in his miracle blanket and by the time he's all bundled up he's calm and almost asleep. He still likes to be rocked to sleep which I love! He does pretty good sleeping at night. He goes down around 9 then wakes up around 2 and then 5. I can't complain. He's not the greatest cuddlier but we are working on it. He's taken a few good naps on my chest and I love it! He defiantly prefers to be held but he also enjoys being in the swing or on the couch.

I can't even describe how much we love this little boy and love having him in our family!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Jude is so handsome and adorable. He has such bright little eyes. And you kids costumes were so cute! I love Eleanor's spunk and originality.