Sunday, February 3, 2008

snowed in sunday...

this morning we woke up to a HUGE snow storm. john had to get up early to get the newsletter ready for church. after he finished it i told him there's no way he's going to be able to get out of our driveway with all the snow. of course he didn't listen to me and got suck right in the middle of the driveway. we shoveled and pushed for about 30 mins. our neighbor also came to help but the car would not budge. john had to lay a bunch of snowmelt around all the tires and wait a few hours for the snow to stop. our other neighbor, rob, came and used his snowblower and got our drive way all plowed. i swear, i've never seen so much snow in my life. this winter has been great!! normally i get so sick of the winter by now, but i'm loving all this snow! of course, eleanor loved playing in the snow today. she was out there for about 30 min. and was not too happy when i made her come in. 


Sara Baldwin said...

oh man, that sucks about the car!

jealous of your weather... though it is rainy & gloomy as i type this, so i can't complain too much.

give eleanor a big kiss from me & uncle dicky!

Amy D. Hall Riter said...

I can't take how cute that little girl is!!!

April said...

We got stuck in the driveway going to church too! I am sad that we don't have any neighbors because nobody came to help us get unstuck!