Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Too Many Changes

I got a little depressed this morning after putting away Amelia's pack and play. I set up her crib a few weeks ago and have been putting her in it off and on, but this week she has made the official move! She is also wearing 3-6 month clothes and just graduated to size 2 diapers.

Not only is she growing, but she is developing the cutest personality. She loves to talk! The other day she gabbed the entire 45 minute ride home from John's parent's house. If she's crying, all you have to do is smile and talk to her and she'll stop crying and give you a HUGE smile!

She has also found her little hand and loves staring at it. It's like she's discovered the coolest thing in the world!! I love looking over and seeing her totally enthralled with her little hand.

I'm afraid she is taking after her big sister's sleep habits. For the past two days Amelia has not napped much. Yesterday she took a total of two 45 minute naps and today she has had two 25 minute naps. Aghr!!

I'd have to say the best thing about this little girl are her chubby little cheeks and legs! She gets plenty of kisses on those cheeks from all of us each day!!


Amy D. Hall Riter said...

I miss her so much! You have no idea how much I want to cuddle her. She is so adroable!

elizabeth said...

She is so cute Julie. I love her cheeks.

Christy said...

Mason is doing the same thing. He just takes a few cat naps throughout the day. It's so frustrating! If it were helping him to sleep through the night I'd be fine with it, but it's not. Hopefully they'll both outgrow that soon.